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Friday, May 30, 2014


I had a terrific day.  I woke up very early.  I had a very positive and productive meeting. I prepared marketing documents for an event that I will be attending presenting both of my businesses on Sunday. I left home at 5am this morning, and other than the short stop for a quick shower and a little cuddling with my daughter, I was out all day.
It is almost 11pm.
I am still at the studio, finishing up this blog.
I am super tired, yet grateful.

I am grateful for being able to do what I love to do.

I am grateful for you coming here every week and looking at my photographs, hopefully get inspired, maybe you also read the little blurbs I write and maybe you laugh when I attempt to be funny.  I am grateful for that.

That's why I don't want to let this week go by without sharing some pictures with the regulars and newbies of this blog.  So here it goes... These are some more pics from the last month's Big Sur trip.

I was grateful to lift up my head and look up at this moment...

Grateful for lifting my head up at this moment

I was grateful for this amazing sunset...

Grateful for this amazing view

I was grateful for being able to live in this serenity even if just for a few days...

Grateful for this peaceful moment

And, this goes without saying, yet I will never get tired of saying it... I am grateful for these two...

Grateful for my wife and daughter

Make it a fantastic weekend my peeps!

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