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Friday, October 26, 2012

Vivienne and Halloween

I try very hard to spend as much time as possible with my family. I am blessed and lucky to have the ability to work from home, for myself but sometimes the location shoots require me to be on the field for long hours and long days.
So when I had the opportunity to hang out with them at the Underwood Family Farms I was very excited. You can imagine, this blog will have TONS of pictures.
It was a wonderfully mild day following some rain with gorgeous and pleasant weather.
Vivienne's best buddy David and his mother Megan were with us as well.
Vivienne and her mom having fun.
Vivienne and David having fun.
Vivienne having fun.
Than we let Vivienne loose in the Corn Maze...
David and Megan found her wondering and brought her back.
We bumped in to Vivienne's uncle Joe in the maze. He's been there since last year and was grateful that we found him.
While Jen and Vivienne were having lunch, the setting under the red and white tent reminded me of the old visiting carnivals or fairs.
What's better than a happy mother playing with her kid?

Well 2 of them of course!
The unnecessarily and ridiculously cute picture of Vivienne and David playing between the pumpkins forming a heart shape.
Hancis in the same area. And let the fish-eye extravaganza begin. Following our family picture, enjoy a few shots of the farm taken with my beloved fish-eye.
A tired daughter helping her mom chose the pumpkins to carve for Halloween.
David and Megan are getting help from Shasta, Joe's puppy. No animal was harmed during this shoot. It is actually Joe pulling that cart, not Shasta. Get off my back PETA.
Here's me with my lovely daughter, taken by my very talented and very gorgeous wife.
And the results of our fun carving night are below. If you would like to see the close-ups of these pumpkins, click here. From left to right: a new approach in carving a bright sky between the crescent moon and two stars (Jen), Puss in Boots (Vivi), Iron Maiden's Eddie (yours truly).
What would Halloween be without the home roasted pumpkin seeds? Bon Appetit and see you next week!

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