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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yet Another Big Sur Blog

Another absolutely lovely Big Sur camping trip lasted too short as usual... Meet the two lovely mascots of our campgorund... Humphrey and Betty....

It was a very misty, overcast, somewhat chilly couple of days, but it was still very pleasant for me... Big Sur is a magical place... I love it up there.

You know what else I love? My Nikon Nikkor 105mm f2.8 Macro lens... That's what I love!

We also took a hike at our favorite camping spot: Limekiln. And although I looked for a four-leaf clover, I wasn't that lucky...

And a warm, loving picture to finish the week... Jennifer's eagle eyes caught this one. A heart shaped hot coal...


  1. Ben o kalbi goremedim.. Ortadaki kor komure bakiyorum ama goremedim hala

  2. ben gördüm çok güzel. minik ama sevgi dolu görünüyor. ilker
