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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Special Christmas Blog

Well, 'Tis that time of the year, isn't it?

We decided to take Vivienne to Candy Cane Lane on Oxnard last Sunday.

I had a glass of wine with my wife, while waiting for our friends who joined us for the festive night.

My wife took it easy with the decorations this year.

When our friends showed up, we got in the car.  They had the lovely idea of bringing some glow sticks for Vivienne, which she sure did appreciate.

Before you go ballistic on me for taking pictures while driving, please consider the fact that we were at stand still for a very long time.

Candy Cane Lane adventure has a lot of traffic involved.  
Then  we made the incredibly smart decision to get out of the car and walk despite a chilly night.  And I ended up taking a tons of photographs of my daughter.

The atmosphere of the Candy Cane Lane, which should now be called Candy Cane Block, is almost like an attraction park.  There are "legal" and "illegal" vendors.  Those who have permits, and those who make hot chocolate at home and sell it for a buck in exchange for the trouble they went through putting all the ridiculously elaborate decorations for the people to come and see.  The legal churos were delicious, the illegal hot chocolate wasn't, but it hit the spot.

A family put a sleigh up, dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and allowed the visitors to take pictures in the sleigh.  Vivienne's excitement while waiting in line to jump on Santa's red sleigh ride was the biggest treat of the night for me.

I also watched her exploring all the decorated grounds with awe and curiosity.  It is just fascinating to relive everything for the first time again through the eyes of my daughter.  Nothing jaded, nothing being taking granted for...  So inspiring.

And of course I carried her on my shoulders and discussed the decorations with her.

And, here is the best decorated "house". Absolutely my favorite!

Click on the link to see the pictures from Candy Cane Lane - What's The Big Deal? Edition

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