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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scenes From Los Angeles Part 9

When I first moved to Los Angeles, a pair of shoes thrown on a power line or a phone cable became a part of my regular scenery and I never understood why peeps were throwing them out there...
Many years later, Google gave me many reasons why this could be happening... While possible and potentially true, neither of those reasons made sense to me.
Shoes over the power lines...

In case you were wondering, "Fresh Tastes Better" and that is precisely why you should not eat at KFC!

KFC Poster reads "Fresh Tastes Better", which is precisely why one should never eat at KFC.

I always say this... When you feel down, lift your head up.  Most of the times, it would brighten your day.

Change your perspective

Let's finish this week's blog with this lovely photograph... During a wedding I shot last year, a guest was having fun with the bubbles and I had the urge to follow this one and get a picture of it...

Look into the bubble, what do you see?

I look forward to share more photographs with you next Friday! Until then, make it a wonderful week!

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